Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Internal change agent


Change Agent:

Change is a continuous process involving managers at all levels, who should initiate change and how has to be deliberately decided in planned change. Planned change can be introduced through change agents. Change agent is the person who initiates change in the organization to increase organizational effectiveness.

Planned change may be a change in people, structure or technology. Any resistance in introducing change is overcome by the change agent who motivates the employees to accept the change. Internal management takes the help of external consultants in introducing planned change.

Change agents can, thus, be:

1. External Change Agents and

2. Internal Change Agents.

 Internal change agents:

They are continuously involved in the change process. They belong to the organization only and depending on the need where the change is required, they are selected from different levels and departments. Internal change agents are usually the managers who are trained by the consultants (external change agents) to implement change as an ongoing process.

They introduce change within the broad framework of change strategy devised by the external change agents.

They also lead the members to implement the change process. Internal change agents may also be change advisors appointed from specific departments for specific periods. After the change program is completed, they go to their original departments.

They convince organizational members to accept and implement the change. What they learn from the consultants, they communicate to the managers and promote behavioral skills to smoothen the change process.

Some Key Points of Internal Change Agent

1. They accept the system as given

2. They apply change practices suitable to the needs of the organization within the organizational norms.

3. They view change as an on-going process with minor or major changes in the components of the organization

4. They use problem-solving skills to deal with problems related to change.

5. Their role is secondary to that of external agents.

6. Their role is primarily in implementing the change process. They work as trained by the consultants. Their role is primarily educational as they educate people about the need for accepting and implementing the change.

7. They sustain the organization to maintain its competitive position.

Change advisors should have the following qualities for making change program successful:

1. Diagnostic skills.

2. Behavioral skill.

3. Attitudes of acceptance.

4. Personal qualities to provide emotional support and reassurance.

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