Monday, November 21, 2022

Key terms or jargon's used in hotel Front Office department

American Plan ( AP) - A billing arrangement under which room charges include the guestroom and three meals, Also called as full board / full pension.

European Plan (EP) - A billing arrangement under which meals are priced separately or room only plan

Modified American Plan (MAP) - A billing arrangement under which the daily rate is including room and two meals, generally Breakfast and dinner.

Continental Plan ( CP ) - One of the most common/preferred billing arrangement which includes room and continental breakfast.

All-Inclusive (AI) - AI normally stands for all-inclusive rates ie rates which are inclusive of all applicable taxes and service charge. Eg: CPAI, MAPAI, APAI etc.

Rack Rate - The published tariff for each room type/category in a hotel.
No-Show - A guest who made a room reservation but did not register or Check-in.

Long Stay - A Guest who stays more than a certain number of days, Eg: More than 7 days etc.

Overbooking - accepting more reservations than there are available rooms.

Wash down - Blocking fewer rooms than the number requested by a group, based on previous group history.

Guest Cycle - A division of the flow of business through a hotel that identifies the physical contacts and financial exchanges between the guests and the hotel.

Guest Folio - A form ( paper or electronic ) used to chart transactions on an account assigned to an individual person or guest room.
F&B - Food and Beverage Charges or Revenues generated from Food and Beverage Outlets.

Misc. - Miscellaneous Charges, Like Paid out, Postage, Photo Copy, Medicine, Courier etc. come under Miscellaneous charges.

ARR - Average Rack Rate (Average Room Rate (ARR) = Total Room Revenue / Total Rooms Sold)

ADR - Average Daily Rate (Average Daily Rate (ADR) = Total Room Revenue / Total Rooms Sold)

AGR - The Average Rate Per Guest (Average Rate Per Guest= Total Room Revenue / Total Number of guests)

APR - Average Guest Per Room (Average Guest Per Room = Total Number of Guests / Number of Rooms Sold)

DBR - Daily Business Report or DRR - Daily Revenue Report

Occ. Percentage - Hotel Occupancy Percentage or Occupancy Ratio Calculation 

Rev. Par - Revenue Per Available Rooms ( RevPAR = Total Room Revenue / Total Number of Available Rooms for sale)

TRevPOR - Total Revenue per Occupied Room (TRevPOR = (Room + F&B + Other Revenue) / Total occupied rooms)

AF / RAF - Room Achivement Factor (Room Achievement Factor = Actual Average Rate / Potential Average Rate) 

RRS - Room Rate Spread (Room Rate Spread = Potential Average Double Rate - Potential Average Single Rate)

HotRevPAR - Hotel Revenue Per Available Room (HotRevPAR= (Room + F&B + Other Revenue) / Total Available Rooms)

TRevPAR - Total Revenue Per Available Room (TrevPAR = (Room + F&B + Other Revenue) / Total Available Rooms)

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